Alaa Abdelsamie Web & Android Developer

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" Developing Sites & Applications For The Web & Programming Android App Can Communicate With Web Server "
Alaa Abdelsamie
تواصل معنا الان
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الثلاثاء، 16 مايو 2017

الحصول علي تطبيق اندرويد الان لموقعك

 اصبح من الامور المهمة لاصحاب المواقع

لتواكب التطور وتتواجد على الساحة الجديدة "تطبيقات الهواتف android"

وذالك بناء لى الحصة التى ستحوذ عليها سوق الاندرويد من التحول الكبير

وسوف تقوم بزيادة ارباحك من فتح سوق جديدة لك
بتواجدك عللى منصة عملاقة مثل google play

انشاء تطبيق android
انشاء تطبيق android

افضل طريقة  لعمل تطبيق اندررويد لموقعك

تعلم برمجة تطبيقات الاندرويد
تعلم برمجة تطبيقات الاندرويد

 1 - تعلم لغات البرمجة مثل الجافا 

افضل مصدر للتعلم

2 - تعلم ال xml لرسم وجهات التطبيق 

افضل مصدر للتعلم

3 - تعلم برمجة تطبيقات الاندرويد

افضل مصدر للتعلم 

الامر يحتاج الى وقت ومجهود

قم بتوفير الوقت وسنقوم بانشاء التطبيق لك

توفير وقت بناء التطبيق android
توفير وقت بناء التطبيق android

الموضوع سهل جدا بالنسبة لك 

لا تحتاج لوقت لتعلم لغات البرمجة 

مثل ال ( جافا - xml - ...)

وتعلم التعامل مع بيئة  الاندرويد ستوديو

نحن سنوفر عليك كل هذا العناء وسنقوم ببناء التطبيق لك فى خلال فترة بسيطة جدا

من 3 ايام لاسبوع 


تطبيق الاندرويد لموقعك في يدك

سعر بناء تطبيق الاندرويد الخاص بموقعك الارخص 

ارخص سعر لبناء التطبيق android
ارخص سعر لبناء التطبيق android

سوف تحصل على تطبيق اندرويد

 لموقعك او لصفحاتك على الفيس بوك اوعلى تويتر او اليوتيوب 

بارخص سعر ممكن تتخيله 

ب 300 جنية مصري بعد الخصم 500 جنية
من داخل مصر
30 دولار بدلا من 50 دولار 
من خارج مصر

لطلب التطبيق تواصل معى علي الفيس بوك

ما المطلوب منك لنقوم ببناء تطبيق اندرويد الخاص بموقعك

1 - رابط موقعك .
2 - اللوجو الخاص بموقعك .

فقط وسنقوم ببنائه لك

لطلب التطبيق تواصل معى علي الفيس بوك

اذا واجهتك اى مشكلة لا تتردد في التواصل معنا

100 100 100

الجمعة، 20 يناير 2017

Stupid Again

Stupid Again

Stupid Again New Virgin Android Intelligence Braved

Get the Android app for your site

 Example screenshots Stupid Again

Stupid Again
Stupid Again

Stupid Again
Stupid Again

Download Stupid Again from Google Play Store

Stupid Again Google Play

Any questions about the game feel free to

100 100 100

الأربعاء، 6 أبريل 2016

keywords - SEO
keywords - SEO

Keywords are the very foundation of SEO.

If you don't understand your keywords,

you can't effectively promote a site through search engine optimization.

What do we mean by keywords?

They're the woods that people type into the search engines, 
in response to which the search engines return a page of search results, 
which may include your site,
but if you haven't thought of that keyword, probably won't. 

The keyword can be a single word or can be multiple words.

I sometimes use the term 'keyword phrases' to mean multiword phrases typed into a search engine, 

but often we simply call the typed term, 
either one word or five, 
the keyword.

It amazes me how often I run into people who've been promoting their sites from
months or even years without ever doing a real keyword analysis.

You really must spend some time, 
a few hours perhaps, 
playing around with keywords,
trying to figure out what people are actually searching for.

It's keywords that connect customers to your site.

So if you get this wrong, 
you are making a big mistake, 
like a shoe store putting a pizza parlor sign outside.

It's the shoe store sign that lets the customers know what you do.

So using the wrong keywords in your site is like putting the wrong sign outside

a brick-and-mortar store.

Years ago I did some work for an online university.

There was a conflict within the organization between the web people and the academics.

The academics had banned the use of the term 'online degree' from the web site,
because they felt the term was degrading.

Problem was, 
people who wanted to study for a degree mostly used the term 'online degree' in combination with the subject.

This is a classic case of a disconnect,
a rupture between the web site and terms the target audience was using in the search engines.

Everyone assumes they know the keywords that are important. 

What I've learned over the years though, 
is that nobody knows the important keywords unless they

have done an analysis.

If you don't do an analysis, two things will happen:


you'll miss some really important terms, terms that people are using in
the search engines but that you simply hadn't thought of.


the some of the words you think are important are not.

So you'll be wasting time on terms that people are not using.

How do you begin a keyword analysis?

The first step is to guess.

Write down the words you think are important, 

ask everyone on the project what

terms they think are important, look at competitors' web sites, 
look at their 
source code, to the keywords meta tag for instance.

You'll end up with a list of terms that will act as the basis for your full

keyword analysis, 
using a keyword analysis tool,
a service that digs through actual search data to tell you what people are really looking for.

We'll look at this in the next video. Let me reiterate.

Do not skip the keyword analysis step.

It's a shame to see people wasting so much time and energy going in the wrong

direction when just a little keyword work can make all their efforts much more effective.
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السبت، 2 أبريل 2016
Index Is Important
Index Is Important

why indexing is important

The very first thing we should do is find out if your site is indexed in

the search engines yet.

google Site Search

google Site Search
google Site Search

You may know this already, 

but if not, go to Google and search by typing

the words 'site:' and then your site's domain name, no

spaces anywhere, just site: domain name.

For instance, press Enter or click the Search button

and Google will show you a list of pages it has indexed on the specified site.

Look up here and you can see how many pages Google has indexed.

In this case, you can see that Google has 85 pages in the index.

This can be useful to know, 
but at least it can give you a goal.

If you've got a hundred pages on your site and Google's indexed five, 
clearly you have a problem.

It could be the Google is having problems getting to all the pages,
or perhaps you have so few links to the site that 
it just doesn't think the site is worth indexing fully.

Each page is listed below.

The first line, the link, 
comes in the page's title tag.

Now the text below is usually,
though not always, from the description meta tag.

We'll talk about these items in a later video.

In fact, 
I often use the site:

search syntax as a way to not only find out what pages are indexed,
but to get a quick look at what the title and description tags look like.

Below you'll see the URL of the web page, 
and you'll also find a little cached link.

Click that link to view the page that Google has cached, that it has saved.

The cache is a stored page, a copy of what the page looked like the last time

Google crawled the page.

You can see up here in fact, the date and time that Google grabbed the page last.

The Google cache can be very handy for seeing what a page looked like in the recent past.

I've helped clients recover damage to lost web pages for instance by pulling a

copy from the cache. The site:

domain name syntax also works on Bing, as you can see here.

In this case, we're getting many fewer results than we found in Google.

Hopefully that number will go up once we have optimized the site properly.

As for Yahoo, well, 
Yahoo gets its searches out from Bing now,
so whatever you see in Bing,
you should see in Yahoo.

if you do want to see it in Yahoo, be aware that the site:
domain name syntax will work, 
but probably not in the main search box at

It will work on the Yahoo site explorer page, which you can find at 

Or just search for site:

domain name at the main Yahoo page.

Yahoo will load a Site Explorer page in which it tells you that it can't find the results.

Add site: back in and try again, and you'll get the results.

So what if you can't find your site in the search engines?

First check the syntax. Did you type site:

domain name probably?

Remember, no spaces.

If you type it correctly though and still nothing is found, what's going on?


There is a slight chance that a problem with your robots.txt file could stop

your site being indexed.

A small typo can kill your site.


is a file in the root of your web site that provides instructions to

web bots such as search engine spiders.

This text is common. It simply tells spiders to stay out of 
the cgi-bin directory.

This tells robots that they can index the entire site.

This however tells the search engines to stay out of the entire site.

So a tiny change can kill your site in the search engines.

It doesn't happen very often, but I have seen it.

Most likely though, the problem lies elsewhere.

It could be that the site is structured in such a manner that the search engines

can't move from page to page,
although in this case at least the homepage is usually indexed by Google.

More likely is that there are so few links pointing to your site from other web sites ,  or not at all, 
that the search engines haven't found your site, or consider it unimportant.

We'll learn more about these issues in a later Tutorials.

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الجمعة، 1 أبريل 2016
Sometimes SEO is Not The Problem With Your Site
Sometimes SEO is Not The Problem With Your Site

Sometimes SEO is not the problem with your site

Web site viewers can fickle beasts, 
so your site must have certain aspects worked
out before SEO will make a difference.

Let me give you a couple of examples from my experience to prove my point.

A few years ago, 
a new client came to me and said, 

"We need more search engine traffic" .

So I took a look at the client's web site, and I said, 

"No you don't.
You need a new web site."

The site looks something like the one you can see now, 
and it turned out the

client actually had a fair bit of traffic, but he wasn't getting many calls.

At the time, he was selling only over the phone.

When he did get calls, he got a lot of questions. 

People wanted to know where he

got his products and whether they were any good.

There is a saying in Texas, 
'that dog won't hunt,' 
and it refers to a bad idea or

something that simply won't work.

When I see web sites like this, 
I think of that phrase, 

'that dog won't hunt'.

It just won't work.

It doesn't matter how much traffic you get to your site.

It's not going to succeed.

"Who built this site," I asked this client?

"Your nephew, office manager?" "Not quite the office manager," he told me. "It was

Joe, the warehouse manager."

So we rebuilt the site and immediately, to use the client's words, the phone

started ringing off the hook.

What's more, the callers weren't calling with questions, they were calling with orders.

You need to honest with yourself about this issue.

Is your site the dog that won't hunt?

Is your site unprofessional looking and downright ugly?

An ugly or unprofessional-looking site won't work well.

Your site is your face to the world and if it looks like it was built by an amateur, 

it conveys the impression that your business is run by amateurs.

Just the other day, 

a friend who is looking for a photographer for her wedding

told me that she's looking online, 

but when she lands on an amateurish-looking

web site she just clicks the back button.

She knows the photographer might still be good, 
but, "Hey," she says, "That's what I do."

So here is an experiment.

Find five competitors to your site and load them in different tabs in your

web browser, then load yours in another tab, and move from tab to tab viewing each site in turn.

Now be honest, would you buy from your site?

If the answer is no then you are viewing the wrong course.

It doesn't matter how much you optimize your site.

If it doesn't create the right impression, 
it won't work.

One other issue, usability. If your site is confusing, or makes it hard to get things done,

again, optimizing the site may not be the most important thing right now.

There is no point bringing people to the site to get frustrated and leave. So, we'll move on.

I wanted to quickly mention these issues because they really are critical,

but now we're going to jump to the real subject of this course, encouraging the

search engines to rank your site high up in the search results.

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الخميس، 31 مارس 2016
 Search Engine Optimization SEO
 Search Engine Optimization SEO

Read all Tutorials SEO

Business Online Marketing SEO Tutorials

What Is Search Engine Optimization SEO And How Does It Works

The ideal situation is to think about SEO before you build a web site,
but in most cases SEO is an afterthought,
something done to web sites once they are finished,
not something considered before they're begun--not a perfect situation,
but that's just the way it is.
Most of my clients come to me looking for help after they've already built the site,
and I know many of you out there are in the same situation.

You already have a web site

Perhaps you inherited it from another employee at your company,
or it's a site you built site for yourself long ago,
or something more recent even,
but regardless,
a site that was built without thinking about SEO.
And now here you are.
You want your site to rank well in the search engines.
Luckily, all is not lost.
You can in most cases modify a site to make it more search-engine friendly.

You can often take a site that appears to be nowhere in the search engines,
modify a few things here and there, and start to see real improvement.

It's cheaper to build it correctly in the first place of course, but you can't go back and change history.

So this course is all about modifying an existing site,
analyzing the site to see how it has been built,
and modifying it to make it work better in the search engines,
to make it 'friendlier' to the search engines, as we often say.

But of course we're really trying to get the search engines to be friendlier to the site.

First, a little background.

There are today only really two important search engines: Google and Bing.

If you get your site into those search engines and get ranked well,

then you're doing well with the search engines that provide search results for most of the world's searches,

in particular 97% or more of North America searches. What about Yahoo?

Well, Yahoo gets search results from Bing.

What about AOL and EarthLink and Comcast?

These sites get their searches results from Google.

So, do well with these two systems and you'll do well on most search sites.

And the things you do to optimize your site for Google and Bing will help in the

other search engine anyway, search engines such as for instance.

What then do we mean by optimizing a site?

We mean, in effect, putting our best foot forward in the search engine game.

We mean structuring our sites and creating search content in such a way that

we're optimally positioned in the search engines,

so that when someone searches for your service, business, or information, your

web site ranks at the top, or near to the top.

Consider what the search engines do when someone searches.

They have to figure out which pages out of more than a trillion index pages are

the most suitable ones to present to the searcher.

And they do that in essentially two ways:

by looking at the text in the web sites and by looking at links pointing to the web sites.

Of course the devil is in the details, and the search engines have literally

hundreds of criteria that they look at.


Are the keywords the searcher is looking for in this site, and if so, where in

the site: in the URLs, title text, page headings, body text?

How are the words formatted?

In bold text, near the top of the page or at the bottom.

Are there keywords in the links pointing to the site? Where do the links pointing

to the site come from?

There are, as I mentioned, literally hundreds of things the search engines look at,

and unfortunately, the search engines don't provide details.

That's why there's so much misinformation in this business, because there is so

much hidden information, so much guesswork.

It's like engineering without understanding the laws of physics.

And every few weeks, by the way, the laws change.

You may have heard the SEO field is constantly changing, and it's a full-time

task trying to keep up.

That's partly true.
Of course Google's and Bing's programmers are constantly innovating.

On the other hand, most of the principles,
the foundations of SEO,
remain pretty constant.

I have clients who ranked well years ago
and rank well today without constantly

worrying about keeping up with the search engines.

So let's get started.

Let's take a look at your site.

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الأربعاء، 30 مارس 2016
Seo Tools
Seo Tools

Read all Tutorials SEO

Business Online Marketing SEO Tutorials

Best Seo Tools For Website Analysis Tutorials

There are a few tools we're going to use during this course, so I want to
quickly explain what they are and how to find them.


First, now and then I'll be using a great little utility called Firebug, a Firefox add-on.
If you'd like to use this tool, go into the Firefox add-ons, search for Firebug,
and install it. It only takes a few moments.
Let's close the add-ons and go back to the search results.
Firebug lets you look at the HTML code underlying a web page, so you can see
exactly how specific components were created.
You can even edit the page.
You're not changing the original page of course, just modifying that was loaded
into your browser, so you can see what a change would look like.
TO Install Firebug

Firebug for Firefoxe

Firebug for chrome 

Google AdWords Keywords tool

We'll also be using the Google AdWords Keywords tool for analyzing keywords.
I could give you the URL to find it, but it's actually quicker to search Google
itself for the term 'Google AdWords Keywords tool' or even just 'Google Keywords
tool.' And in any case, URLs such as these have a tendency to change.
And then click on the link.

site map creator

the site maps, we'll be looking at a free site-map creator
Make sure you use the dash or you will end up in completely the wrong place.
When we talk about links pointing to a site, we'll talk about a couple of useful
link-analysis services:
first, Yahoo! Site Explorer Service, and a very sophisticated link analysis tool
called Majestic SEO.
Unfortunately, Majestic can be somewhat complicated to learn and understand, but
it's worth spending a little time on it because it really is a usual system.

Google toolbar

You'll probably also want to install the Google toolbar, which you can find
Play with these tools.
I'm betting you'll love them.

Contact Us With Alaa Abdelsamie

+2 012 755 445 81

Alaa Abdelsamie in Social Media